Human Resources

Inauguration - Espace Petite Enfance et LAEP


On the last October 10th, was held the inauguration of another ABB Group's work in France: the nursery"Espace Petite Enfance et LAEP," in Cassis, village of Cote D'Azur region.

With a total investment of about 4.5 million euros, this nursery consists of two main buildings, connected by an intermediate block, a combination of materials and solutions that make the project an architectural and construction reference. Considering environmental, energy efficiency and climate issues, it was adopted an isolation solution in limestone on the outside and a roof garden to the north building. In the South Building, we highlight the use of wood in the coating of some facades and, from a structural point of view, the application of concrete facades consoles as a shadowing solution.


EmeSingular made the structural design and execution of:

  • metallic walkways and terraces;
  • metallic roofing;
  • metallic ladders and solar shading louvres;
  • railings in iron, including corrosion protection.


This equipment, designed by the Office Adrien Champsaur Architecture, has an area of 1,000 m2 and will host a day care center with capacity for 55 children, and a mother and child unit. At the inauguration of October 10th 2015, were present the Mayor of Cassis and other members of the town council, having been highlighted the cooperation from the ABB Group in the work and in the final quality of it.


Find out more details of this work in our portfolio.


The news was also highlighted in the French newspaper "Jornal la Provence":

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